Dateline Kamuning:

The following is the full statement of the National Security Council (NSC) regarding the statement made by  Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Ambassador Huang Xilian in a forum recently.

Here's the full text:

The National Security Council wishes to clarify that the Philippines has no intention of interfering in the Taiwan issue and will not allow itself to be used by other countries to interfere in the said issue as claimed by the Chinese Ambassador in the Philippines in a forum in Manila.

National Security Adviser Eduardo M. Año has made our position clear that the increased security cooperation between the Philippines and the United States is meant to develop and strengthen the capabilities of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to enable it to protect and defend the territory of the Philippines and is not meant to contain or counter any nation in the region or to interfere in another nation’s affairs.

The Philippines is primarily concerned about improving its defense capability, modernizing our equipment and assets, and developing our infrastructure. These are the primary reasons why we are increasing our security cooperation with the United States under the 72-year old Mutual Defense Treaty between our two (2) countries.

We observe the One China Policy and subscribe to the ASEAN principle of non
-interference in approaching regional issues. Our primordial concern in Taiwan is the safety and well-being of the more than 150,000 Filipinos living and working on the island and we take grave exception to any effort by guests in our country to use this to fear-monger and intimidate us.

In a meeting with the Chinese Ambassador earlier this week, Secretary Año personally assured the Chinese Ambassador that the additional EDCA sites are not meant for offensive operations against China or for interference in the Taiwan issue but instead are meant to protect the territorial integrity of the country. He assured the Chinese Ambassador that the Philippines is for the peaceful resolution of the Taiwan issue and for the continued stability of the region.

During the Chinese Ambassador’s call at the National Security Council, Secretary Año also explained that the choice of the EDCA sites is in accordance with the Strategic Basing Plan of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. The identified EDCA sites are Philippine bases which we want to further develop based on the requirements for strategic basing and development of the AFP. These were not US-dictated but identified by our armed forces.

The development of these Philippine bases will enable the government to further strengthen the AFP to enable it to defend and protect the country. By developing our military and base infrastructure, we are pursuing our national interest and actually contributing to regional peace and stability.

We hope that the Peoples Republic of China will see this as the country’s positive contribution towards peace and stability in the region.


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